Mother's Day Series: Marie and her girls

As most of you know, I have an older sister, Marie. Her and I have been super close from the beginning but with 7 years between us, we were always in a different phase of life growing up. Well even though we're 7 years apart, her and I had our first babies just a year and a half apart, hers first. So we figured out this whole "being a mom thing" together. It brought us even closer than before and has been so fun to raise our kids at the same time and see them doing and accomplishing a lot of the same things. I have always looked up to Marie and she has been a great example to me of a loving, selfless mom. I love my nieces and am so glad that my kids have them for their best friends. Here are Marie's thoughts on motherhood:

"I am honored that Kimmy asked me to share a few thoughts about motherhood on her darling blog! Being a mom is the best job in the whole world, so it’s something that I really like to think, talk, (and even write) about! Kimmy is my example in so many ways. She is one of my best friends. She teaches me to let loose a little, be spontaneous, and have some unscheduled fun! I look up to her as a mother and I know that she is loyal and devoted to her three cute kiddos. As an aunt, she has mothered and influenced my sweet daughters in so many ways. I love you Kimmy! Happy Mother’s Day to you!

For me, motherhood is deeply spiritual. Motherhood is a partnership with God. Motherhood is a form of godliness. Motherhood is divine and sacred and everlasting. It is an eternal responsibility. Motherhood will never end, not even after this life is over. Motherhood is an act of creation, a power of which is given to us by God. God has been with me in every part of my journey as a mom. I felt God’s watchful care and protection over me during each of my two pregnancies. I felt His presence at the births of our daughters (confirming that their perfect spirits had just come His presence). I felt His comforting peace when both our daughters were diagnosed with a rare, incurable genetic disorder at birth. I felt Him teaching me when I wasn’t sure how to get my newborn to nurse or to sleep through the night. I feel His guidance now as I ask Him how He would want me to raise and teach our daughters. I feel His strength when I am burdened by the weight of motherhood or by my own inadequacies and imperfections as a mother. Mostly, I feel His great and abundant love for me, His own daughter, and our two daughters, who also belong to Him. One of the greatest gifts of motherhood has been learning how much God loves me. I didn’t understand the depth of His love until I was blessed with the opportunity to be a mother. As I fell instantly and crazy in love with our two baby girls, and I knew immediately I would do anything for them to help and protect them, it taught me in a personal way how much Heavenly Father loves me. Therefore, motherhood, to me, is simply LOVE.

Here are a few other beautiful (and sometimes painful!) lessons that motherhood has taught me:

Motherhood requires sacrifices and selflessness

Nothing pulls at my heartstrings like seeing my
children sad, sick, or in pain

“Mother Bear” is real! That natural defense mechanism appears out of nowhere when our kids are threatened in any way!

The best moments of my day are spent with my sweet girls and their daddy (whom I love more and more every day as I see him act in his role as a father)

I never knew what some of my weaknesses were until I became a mom. Motherhood has been a great magnifier of my weaknesses (sigh)

There’s not a sweeter feeling than seeing my kids learn a new skill or accomplish something that used to be hard for them to do

The simplest moments are made wonderful because of the innocence and joy of my children

It’s satisfying to see my kids make good choices, think about other people, and serve each other

Cooking with them is fun!

Creating traditions and memories is really important

My kids teach me more than I will ever be able to teach myself

Kids are forgiving…even when their mom makes mistakes

I love experiencing childhood through their eyes. It is magical!

1 comment

  1. Your post made my eyes water and my heart swell. I love both of my girls. I am blessed!
