Deerhead burlap bunting

My mom and I made these super cute, super easy banners. All you need to make them is:

-Burlap (I bought mine pre-cut)
-Ribbon of your choice
-White paint
-Stenciling paint brush
-Deer head stencil (we printed a deer head on the computer and cut it out)
-Hot glue gun

First, you'll stencil the deer heads on each of the burlap pieces. The paint dries super fast. Then you'll hot glue each of the pieces to your twine. Put about 2" between pieces to tie your ribbon. Once they're all hot glued, tie the ribbon of choice between each piece. You can add a red rhinestone to the noses if you want to make them supa flashy. I was going to do that and then decided to keep them simple. I hope you have fun making them and make sure to tag me on instagram so I can see yours!

Diet Coke while crafting kinda a must, am I right?

The finished product and me lookin' swanky in my sweats!

Aaaand I hung it on my rusty "junk" sign. Love.

Red Brick Blondie

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