So waaaay back when we started dating, we were both shy little things so it took quite a while for our first kiss! After about 7 dates, when he said goodnight at my door, under falling snow, Chance kissed me on the forehead and I thought it was the cutest, sweetest thing. I think he wanted to really kiss me but was too scared. I on the other hand, was impatiently waiting for it. I mean, 7 dates had already happened. After 6 more dates, count 'em up, that's 13 dates, he FINALLY did it. How did this romantic event happen? At my cousin's house with her and her boyfriend in the room while watching School of Rock! Why Jack Black was the one to boost his courage is still a mystery to me. But that's how it went down. Precious, I know.
Almost 12 years, marriage, and 3 kids later, I still love a kiss from that boy everyday. And now I think it's more important than ever. It's so easy to let time pass without a hug, holding hands, or kissing your spouse. There are days when Chance and I don't see each other til 7 or later at night. At that time, we're rushing to get the kids ready for bed and prepping for our next day. But I think it's so important to show affection in front of your kids. The first reason is that it shows a good model of what a healthy, happy marriage should be. If we aren't ever affectionate to our spouses in front of our kids, they'll grow up not knowing what they should expect out of a healthy marriage. We always get the "ewwwwww" followed by lots of giggles when we give each other a hug or kiss but then it's usually followed by "kiss again!". Our kids know we love each other because we show it. The next reason I think it's important is that I believe kids feel safe and secure when they know their parents have a happy marriage. When you are affectionate, your kids know you're happy and they know there's stability.
When Chance and I give each other a quick hug after not seeing each other for 12 hours, it reassures each other that even though we're busy, we're still each other's top priority.
So, in lieu of National Kissing Day, and every day, make your kids squirm and give your babe a big, fat, kiss!
The Red Brick Blondie
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