My little office

We have a little nook right in front of our bedroom. I felt like it was too big to leave empty but I didn't know what to do because it's pretty small. Diesel has needed somewhere to do his homework so I made it into a little office. It's pretty girlie but he doesn't seem to mind! This is where I come to do stuff on the computer and I do my sewing down here as well. I love my little space.

My mom got the picture on the far left for $1 from pick your plum!! I can't believe she found such a great deal. The rest of the pictures are from my favorite store-Hobby Lobby!

I got the chair from the D.I. for $10, I'm still trying to decide what to do with it. And the desk and little table are from Ikea.

I love candles so much! I got both of these from Target. They both come in different colors and scents. Isn't the pineapple so cute? I got the gold plate from Target as well for $1! I love me a good deal. I hope you all had a fun weekend!

The Red Brick Blondie

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